Sunday 4 November 2007

Walking & processing photos

Time to update my blog!

The past week I have been going on a few walks and processing some of the photos that I took, also sorting pogs, scanning pogs and filing pogs.

I also worked a bit on my pog website, but I don't know enough PHP to make the menu work, as the menu is meant to be dynamically created by the script reading the directories of the website, then turning these into a menu with the same structure as the directories, and directories with the actual pog scans in should be links to change some variables and so change the text and images displayed in the main content of the page. I will have to read up on the basics of PHP and progress from there until I am able to do this sort of thing. Unfortunately, I still have about 500 or so images from recent walks and probably about 70 or sumat panos to Ben loves Po-cess pit, so it will pobasquish be a while until I can learn PHP unless I just get bored of Intel Pentium Processor-ing photos & panos.

On Friday evening I was checking me spleen-mail and I got an email from Photoshelter to say I had been accepted?!? I checked into their website and all my pics had been accepted. I can only guess that they are receiving so many submissions (they had a note on their website to say that as it comes up to launch date they won't be able to send messages about acceptions and rejections for images because they have so many to try and go through in time for launch date) that they just looked at them very quickly and approved them. While I am extremely happy to have such an unexpected surprise as being accepted and all the images being accepted, whether anyone will actually purchase one of my images after the service launches is another thing. I still need to log in again and set prices for licensing of the images and stuff like that.

Yesterday I submitted some of my photos from a walk to Foxton I did during the week to Digital Photo Forum, Digital Photography Blog, Deviant Art and the Photography Critique group on Flickr to try and get some feedback on how I can improve my photography and PP, so far I got comments from all apart from Deviant art (surprise, surprise). I would say the feedback on Flickr was the most useful, then Digital Photo Forum, and then Digital Photography blog. Feedback from all of them was useful, the comments on Digital Photography blog didn't give any suggestions for improvement, but its still useful to know whether people like a photo and why.

Today Ben went off on his school trip to Norfolk for a week, so me and Yumpt had to stay home instead of going to Choich and take him and his bags up to school for 12pm.

For the rest of the day I just processed pictures from a walk me & rad did last week and also played on Wii sports a bit with Yumpt and beat him at everything (boxing, golf, bowling).

Breakfast: Golden Grahams; Cup o' tea.
Morning snack: Malt loaf with butter; coffee.
Dinner: Chicken & Vegetable cup o' soup; toast; cob with butter; salad; bacon quiche. Coffee.
Afternoon snack: Toffee Muffin; cup o' tea.
Tea: Cheddar cheese with salad sandwich; apple; scone with squirty cream & strawberries; cup o' tea.

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