Friday 16 September 2011


This morning and part of the afternoon I was sorting out the formatting and adding photos to my how to photograph butterflies mini e-book.

In the afternoon I went out on a walk to see if there were any butterflies around down the old railway line, as I had found that I don't actually seem to have many good butterfly photos. I only saw a couple of speckled woods, and a few whites though, and none of them wanted to get into positions that would make for a good photo. It was a nice walk though, and I collected some seeds from some of the wild flowers, and took photos of other stuff.

When I got back home I spent quite a while in the back garden trying to get a good photo of a butterfly on the Buddleia, but again didn't have much luck.

In the evening I watched Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of The Clones with Mauser, Bo, and Clare. I thought it was quite good, about as good as the Phantom Menace. While it doesn't have much Jar-jar Binks, it does have incredibly cheesy dialogue between the characters of Anakin and Padme. I didn't notice Warrick Davies in there (not sure if he was or not), and Padme's house looked like Porco Rosso's (or maybe it was Porco Rosso's girlfriend's) house.

For the rest of the evening I plasticined up a body for Adam Smith, though I didn't finish it yet.

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