Saturday, 7 February 2015


This morning I did some work on a couple of my wordpress plugins.

In the afternoon I wrote a blog post for my photography blog. I got that done fairly quickly. Then I realised that I would really need to add descriptions and keywords for the images to illustrate the blog post, and then upload the images to the site. So I spent most of the rest of the afternoon and evening doing that.

The description writing process was fairly simple. I didn't have any photos of buildings I needed to research to try and find out what they were. It was just photos of trees and fields. I just had to write a description of what was in the image. But it still took me ages.

Anyway, at least I got it done in the end. Though I still haven't selected which ones to use to illustrate the blog post, or uploaded any of them yet. A task I can finish off tomorrow hopefully.

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