Monday 2 February 2015

Exiting a dream

This morning I was having a dream, I can't remember most of it, but I do remember the end. I was going on a 2D computer game featuring Toad (from the Mario games) on an old yellowed plastic CRT monitor. The monitor was in front of some windows.

I needed to finish what I was doing (possibly I knew it was time to wake up?), so I tried to pull the curtains, from one side at a time. After I'd pulled the curtains on each side of the window, there was still a big gap between them. So I pulled the right curtain a bit more, but still there was a gap. I pulled the left curtain a bit more, and there was still a gap left.

I looked up at where the right curtain was attached to the curtain rail and noticed it was scrunched up. I gave it a hard tug and it nearly closed the gap, there was just a small gap left, which I thought was good enough. But further down was a larger gap, I looked and noticed that the left curtain was scrunched up at the bottom.

But in the gap between the curtains, sitting on the window sill, was a model of a man (not an accurate model) made from octagonal tazos. But unlike in real life, most of the tazos were positioned just one above the other. (They need to be positioned at right-angles to one another to be able to lock together in real life).

I figured that if I unscrunched the bottom of the left curtain so that it covered the model, then when pulling the curtains the next day, it might knock the figure over, so I might as well leave the curtain as it was.

On the computer I pressed the Esc key to quit the game I was going on. Then I realised that I had forgotten to save, and the game just quits when you press Esc without asking you if you want to save. This wasn't a problem in that I hadn't done anything on the game. But I knew that next time I tried to go on it I would get a message that I had quit without saving.

I then shut down the computer, which involved bringing up an on-screen keyboard that had a 'quit' or 'exit' (I can't remember) button at the top left. Then my dream ended. So it seems that this actually quit my dream.

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