Tuesday 5 August 2008


It rained on and off (mostly on) all day today so I didn't get to try to out my canon macro setup.

In the morning I went on the pinternet and went on wii fit for quite a while.

In the afternoon I tried to setup my local test website so the root folder for php includes files would be a couple of folders below (so it would be the same as the web server). I spent nearly all afternoon on it, but couldn't get it to work.

After dinner me, Ben & Mac P finished watching the Hulk, and then watched an episode of Battlestar Galactica. After that I went on the pinternet a bit.

Breakfast: Honey nut loops; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Ham with iceberg lettuce and cherry tomato sandwich; slice of bakewell tart; banana; slice of madeira style cake that Ben made the other day; cup o' tea.
Afternoon snack: ½ eccles cake; cappuchino.
Dinner: Ham quiche; peas; potatoes; butter. Pudding was gingerbread cake with creamy custard. Coffee. Roses.

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