Monday, 4 February 2008


Spent most of the day trying to create a slideshow with a fade transition between images using javascript, but I didnae succeed in making it work properly how I wanted.

I forgot to write yesterday, but my glasses broke on the way to Church so I am trying not wearing glasses for a week to see if my eyesight will improve, since before I started wearing glasses my eyesight was okay, I just couldn't see things far off in the distance. At church on Sunday I had to use a book for the hymns 'cos I couldn't read the projector screen, so wearing glasses has made my eyesight tons worse than it used to be. Hopefully after a week my eyes will have adjusted back to nearly how they used to be, although probably they'll still be just as bad.

If my eyesight's still bad at the end of the week then I'll have to pay for an eyetest and glasses, which will be totally expensive. ANNOYING. Also, I look like a zombie without my glasses because my eyes are all inset and dark like I got punched in the eyes or sumat. SKILL.

After dinner me, yumpt and Ben watched X-men 3 which was quite good.

Breakfast: Lemon marmalade toast sandwich; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Peppered ham with icerberg lettuce sandwich; clementine; slice of victoria layer cake; cup o' tea.
Afternoon snack:
Dinner: Bacon Quiche; potato; peas. Pudding was home-made apple pie with custard and lil' bit of squirty cream. Coffee. HAPPY HIPPO

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