Monday 31 March 2008


This morning watched Fantastic Four 1994 version with Ben. After that I started researching on t' pinternet about how to get the full copy of the birth certificate. I found the county council websites had quite a bit of info on what you need to do and also had forms you can download, fill out and post to request a copy of your birth certificate. Filling out the cheques for payment was weird - you have to write loads of stuff on them, and Notts CC said on their website make the cheque payable to 'Superintendent Registrar' but on their form they say to make the cheque payable to Notts CC. Other CCs seem to say make the cheque payable to the CC so I just did that. I also had to phone Surrey CC to check the registry office I needed to send the form to.

After lunch I finished off sorting out mine and Ben's birth certificate requests, I left Yumpts so he could copy mine. I did a bit of vacuuming and then me and Ben helped Moohar with the pond she's been digging the last week or so. She had already dug it all out so we had to smooth all the mud out and get rid of all the water in the deep bit, which was all clay at the bottom. Smoothing all the mud (using they clayey water) took quite a while. After that we covered it all with newspaper then put the pond liner on top of that. We put some turf back over the end bit near the shallow end and then started filling it with water from the water butt. After a bit Moohar realised that the mud she was putting in the shallow end (which is meant to be a boggy area) would just mix with the water from the deep end.

So we all went back inside and Moohar looked at the book she was using and saw they had stones like a dam between the boggy area and the rest of the pond. I went on my comp for a bit and then watched some pixel perfect episodes with Ben while Moohar fixed the pond. She made the stone dam, and filled the boggy end with mud, and also put some pond plants she had bought in the pond. It still needs the turf replacing round the edge and the liner trimming. Also, Moohar said she needs to get some oxygenating plants for it and Ben said you should some goldfish.

After dinner me, Ben and Yumpt watched Trekkies, it was scare-chee how weird the people on it were, especially some bloke who said wore lipstick and said his character was the wife of a nasa astronaut from one of the episodes.

Breakfast: Frosties; Cup o' tea.
Lunch: ½ beetroot sandwich; Genoa style ham with iceberg lettuce sandwich; grapes; satsuma; Montana; chocolate truffle mix crispie cake stooef.
Dinner: Toad in the hole; potatoes; Swede; Broccoli; gravy. Pudding was 2 x american style chocolate brownies.

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