Most of yesterday I was trying to update wordpress on the dev version of my photo website. The problem was that I was getting strict standards errors because the WP_Widget class has bothe PHP4 and PHP5 style constructors.
Researching this, it seems that an error should be thrown, and this is a bug in PHP. I tried rebuilding PHP a few times, but still got the same error I did last time about not being found.
So I decided to just turn off strict error reporting for the blog for the moment. But this didn't work, and I still got strict standards errors. I thought that the [PATH]
and [HOST]
directives in my php.ini must not be taking any effect. Looking in the PHP manual, I found a comment by someone else to a similar effect:
This doesn't seem to work with php-fpm.
The values defined under PATH or HOST will become the new master value for all the processes (as if they were redefined).
So, I looked for a different way that I could use different error reporting levels for my different sites. One solution mentioned on a few websites was .user.ini files. But I found these have no effect under php-fpm.
Next I found that you can set PHP_VALUE flags from the php-fpm config. But this can only be set per pool. So you would need to set up a different pool listening on a different socket for each website. This would create too many php processes and use up to much memory to work for me.
Then I found that you can actually set PHP_VALUE flags from nginx:
set $php_value "pcre.backtrack_limit=424242";
set $php_value "$php_value \n pcre.recursion_limit=99999";
fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE $php_value;
fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir=/var/www/htdocs";
However, when I tried this I found that the error_reporting level sent by Nginx seemed to be overridden by the error_reporting level set in php.ini.
I then found that you can use variables within php.ini. But the lack of nestable variables makes that not quite so useful.
I thought that in theory I should be able to have a default value in nginx.conf, like
and then override it in the website config, like
set $php_value "error_reporting=E_ALL|E_STRICT";
And in php.ini remove all set $php_value "error_reporting=E_ALL";
directives so that the PHP_VALUE is not overridden.
But then I read that the PHP constants are not available outside of PHP, e.g. in httpd.conf. Instead you need to use the bitmask values.
So this morning I ran a test, using different numbers for [PATH] and [HOST] sections in php.ini and location sections in my site's nginx config. Result:
- PHP_VALUE in nginx config is always overridden by php.ini value.
- PHP_VALUE for location /path/ does not affect sub folders of /path/ (value set for location / is used for /path/subfolder)
- Both [HOST] and [PATH] settings in php.ini do work, and don't seem to be overridden by previous or later settings for different [HOST] and [PATH] blocks
So, why was my blog still showing strict errors when I had E_ALL|E_STRICT set for the host, but E_ALL&~E_DEPRECATED set for the blog's path? In the end it turned out to be very simple - From PHP 5.4.0 E_STRICT has been included within E_ALL. I did read this earlier, but it didn't really sink in, and I didn't think to check my PHP version.
So a lot of work for nothing really, though I did learn some new things (can set PHP_VALUEs from nginx, can use variables in php.ini).
In the afternoon I went out and took some photos.
In the evening I listened to Will Challoner (AKA Wilson Channeller AKA Wilbert AKA Wilmington) with Billy while I worked on my kodak jr. bellows camera bit.
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