Monday 19 May 2008

Prison Break

This morning I watched Prison Break. After lunch I was going to watch Prison Break again but the episode I was on that Maccy P had downloaded had annoying foreign subtitles, so I had to re-download it. While I was waiting for it download I took some photos in the garden using my homemade ringflash adapter, which seemed to work okay. Then I sorted them a bit.

After getting Ben back from school Prison break had finished downloading so I watched that again. After dinner I watched more prison break until now, when I finished watching the last episode. Hopefully season 4 will be about Michael hunting down the company people.

Breakfast: Chocolate crunch cereal; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Cheddar cheese with beetroot salad sandwich; apple; iced madeira cake; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Chilli con carne; Tortilla chips with seeds in them. Pudding was waffles with golden syrup and cream.

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