Saturday 10 May 2008

Walk and photo sorting

Went on a walk this morning with Rad and Mac P and Ben, went through some nice meadows with lots of different types of grass and Ben liked hitting them so loads of powder (pollen I guess) came off them.

After we came home me and Mac P watched a bit of Lost, then it was lunch time. After lunch we watched the rest of Lost, then I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting/editing photos from yesterday's walk.

After dinner me, Ben and Mac P watched a raddish Orson Wells film called F for Fake. Then I watched Mac P do a couple of guitar hero tracks, after which I carried on with photo editing/sorting.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant jam toast sandwich; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Ham with mustard and salad sandwich; satsuma; slice of Farmhouse fruit cake; Rocky; cup o' tea.
Dinner: ¼ pounder burger in bun with cheese, pus, salad, Tom Ketch, and vinagrette; bun with marg. Pudding was Mackie's honeycomb and normal ice cream. Lemonade; Coffee; Cadbury's Caramel.

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