Monday 28 July 2008

Not a lot

Today Moohar, Rad and Ben went on holiday, before they went Moohar told me how to look after granny. After they'd gone I cleaned the house a bit since it was quite messy, and so I'd have less cleaning to do before they come back.

In the afternoon I did a bit of work on my website, trying to get the navigation menu so that it would include the country names. It took me ages to work out how to do it since 1 record can have multiple country records, so linking them together means the same record will appear multiple times for as many countries as it is linked to.

Basically, I needed to have a subquery where all rows of the subquery are concantated together and then returned AS a field to the main query. Eventually I found out that you can do it without a subquery (I think subqueries slow things down anyway). You need to do CONCAT_GROUP(field that has multiple records for each record) AS field name you want and then further down the query you need to put GROUP BY field that only has one (different) entry per record e.g. the key for the pages table in my case.

In the evening I watched the first part of the Battlestar Galactica mini-series with Mac. Then I was going to do a bit more work on my website. I wanted to add the code to the page for the lightbox, but the .js file I had looked a bit old and I couldn't find the .css file that has the css expression for the background in IE6, I couldn't see the bit for enabling png transparency in IE6 either. So I think I am going to have to write the lightbox again. At least I can look back at the other versions to see what to do.

Breakfast: Strawberry jam toast sandwich; cup o' tea.
Lunch: 2x Cheese on toast; salad; banana; satsuma; cup o' tea.
Dinner: 2x Sausages; potatoes; baked beans; brown sauce. Orange juice. Pudding was a blueberry muffin. Coffee. Roses.

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