It got hot quite quickly, so I came home. I spent the rest of the morning and afternoon cutting out pogs in Photoshop on Mauser's PC. He had Photoshop installed on an evaluation version of Windows 7, which would bring up lots of messages about it not being valid, and reset randomly.
In the evening I watched an episode of Star Trek TNG. It was the first episode of season 3, and was also a Wesisode. The disk had a different menu setup than seasons 1 and 2, and that was probably the most exciting thing about it. Still, at least it's not as rubbish as Battlestar Galactica.
I went on the internet for a bit, then went out for a walk about 9pm. I went back down the old railway line, but only found a couple of flies. Unfortunately they were quite small, so I had a hard job finding them in the viewfinder at 4x magnification. Then after a couple of shots the flash batteries ran out. I carried on walking down the old railway line and saw, like, one more fly, and that was it (except for loads of moths that were constantly flying and never stopped).
I went to a patch of grass where I had seen quite a few meadow grasshoppers in the morning, but couldn't see any there at all. I even tried brushing my hand through the grass in the hope of disturbing them, but didn't see any. I guess they either overnight somewhere else or they overnight at the very base of the grass where they can't be seen.
I didn't see any skippers or butterflies clinging onto any plants either.
When I got home I started work on making a morfa style diffuser. I decided to try it first with a tub that used to have mealworms in it. After cleaning it out I tried cutting a couple of tabs into the bottom so that it could be attached to my flash.
But the plastic was pretty difficult to cut so after cutting it partway, I gave up and made a cardboard mount for the flash:

After making the flash mount I cut some plastic from a drinks bottle, then wound it up the opposite way and bound it with an elastic band in the hope it would straighten it out overnight.
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