Thursday 19 July 2012

Copying, Verifying, Backing up

Today I was still verifying the data copied to my new hard drive.

In the morning, while I was waiting, I had a look at UV photography again. One of the things it seems you really need for photographing flowers in UV is a UV flash.

I found some instructions for modifying the Vivitar 285HV/285/283 flash and also for modifying the Nikon SB-14 for UV photography. However, both articles seemed to suggest that you need a UV filter for the flash, which seems like it would be difficult / expensive to find.

Another flash I found is the Quantum Q flash, which has a UV/IR Wave reflector adapter available. From the looks of it, the adapter screws on to the front of the flash, then you'd need to screw in your own 67mm UV pass filter. So again, you need to find an expensive UV pass filter.

The Quantum Q flash is also very expensive new, though older models can be had on ebay for around £150.

Lastly I found the MR ® 21 UV flash Canon (Item 21L). On it's PDF description page it says that it is also available for other cameras. So I sent them an email to try and get more info on it.

I would hope that ultimately, having a UV flash is not necessary. So long as the flash outputs UV light, and you are using a filter on the camera that blocks visible and IR light, then I don't see why you would need the flash to output only UV?

Well, I think that I finally finished sorting out the new hard drive, getting everything copied, verifying the data copied okay, and backing it up. So tomorrow I can actually get some work done instead of just going on the internet.

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