Friday 15 June 2007

Pooper Man spleen turns

Cycled to work, got there about 8.40am. Did the washing up. Drank tea and did work as normal. Left work at 7pm.

Got home about 8pm, tried to get robogeo to work but I could nae so I emailed them about it. Did washing up & cleared the table off.

Ate dinner and watched Superman Returns. Next I will go to bed.

Breakfast: Fruit 'n' fibre, cup o' tea
Lunch: Peppered ham with sweet and crunchy salad sandwich, cheddar cheese with sweet and crunchy salad sandwich, apple, 2 x satsumas.
Dinner: Breaded fish portion, potato, peas, ground black pepper, malt vinegar. Pudding was a bakewell tart & custard. I also had a chocolate chip brownie biscuit thing. Coffee.

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