Friday 1 June 2007

The day started off really grey and cloudy but I decided to cycle to work anyway, and it didnae rain but got nice and sunny later.

On the way to work I saw a reasonably large yellowy bird with a reasonably long beak, which I think must have been a green woodpecker. I also saw a black rabbit at the same time. I tried to stop my bike, but when I put the brakes on it was quite noisy and the bord flew away and the rabbit ran away.

I got to work about 8.30am. I wore Jon's Co-op shirt but no-one said anything until 4.15pm when my Boss asked me if I was wearing a co-op shirt. I had to do some overtime, so I left work at 7pm and got home around 8pm.

When I got home I cleared the table off and did some washing up. Then I ate my dinner while reading an article on MSN about 3D films. After that I did the notices and then I ate my pudding.

After that I started typing this blog and also kept checking the status of an ebay auction for P series filter rings lots - 49, 52, 55, 62, 67, 72, 77 but it went up to £13 so it was too expensive - I only really needed the 67mm one, so I just bought the 67mm with a filter holder as well for £5.49 from Link Delight on ebay instead.

For the rest of this evening I will just go on the pinternet and then I will go to bed.

Breakfast: 2 x Strawberry jam toast sandwiches, cup o' tea.
Lunch: 2 x Cheddar cheese with sweet and crunchy salad sandwiches, 2 x satsumas, apple.
Dinner: Breaded Fish portion, potato, about 10 baked beans. Pudding was rice pudding, which I had with Raspberry Jam. Coffee.

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