Sunday 8 July 2007

Return of the headache

I forgot to say yesterday that it was really nice weather, so it was annoying that I had to stay in bed nearly all day. It was nice weather today as well.

Woke up at 4.20am quite asthmary, hot and had a headache again. Did my ventolin and opened the window, then went back to sleep and got up at 9am. Still had a headache but it wasn't very bad.

Had a shower etc, went to have breakfast but nearly all the cinnamon grahams were gone so I had to have toast. Went on my comp for a bit then went to Church.

Got to church a few minutes early, but it was totally packed, which was dead wierd since it's normally nearly empty. Me & Jon put out a couple of extra rows of plastic chairs at the back. It was the Girls Brigade Diamond (I Tom Hink, 60 years anyway) Jubilee service and an old minister had come back to do the service so that was why so many people were there. After the service me and jine had to wait around for a billion years for everyone to move so we could put the chairs away. We did get a cup o' tea and some nice girls brigade jubilee celebration cake though. The service was from 10.30 - 11.30 and by the time me and Jon had finished putting the chairs away and getting the tables out for Coffee 4 U it was 12.30. So we had to wait about as much time as the actual service was (putting the chairs away and getting tables out would pobasquish take 10mins if no-one else was around).

When we got home we watched some more of Pans Labyrinth, then ate dinner, did some washing up & cleared the table, then finished watching Pans Labyrinth. It was okay, but nothing much happens really so I gave it 6/10.

After that I went on my comp for a bit, then Jon said for me to come in his room so I did and he was sorting out some more stuff for packing, he went through all his old football magazines and threw most of them away. He also gave me all his 7"s and some rubbish games. Also a GINA G ALBUM!!

Then I sorted through the 7"s, added them to my Music database and filed them. I also found a box of tapes that I didnae file when I sorted out all my other tapes the other day Doh! When I was done with that we ate tea.

After tea I went on my comp a bit more, I sorted through the photos from yesterday, just deleting rubbish ones and tagging what filter I used for those I could remember / see I used a filter on. I didnae do any PP or renaming on them though, I did sort them into folders for panos / HDRs. After that I edited a pano from Thursday. Unfortunately, even on the -1ev version the sky is blown out. When I tried to convert to a .mov file it crashed my PC.

Breakfast: Strawberry Jam toast sandwich, banana, cup o' tea.
After Church snack: Cake, cup o' tea.
Dinner: Beef stew, toast. Pudding was cinnamon fruit loaf, and another piece of girls brigade cake. Coffee.
Tea: Cathedral City Mature yet Mellow Cheddar Cheese with salad sandwich, ham sandwich, fruit scone, apple, breakaway, cup o' tea.
Supper: Cold chocolate milk.

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