Thursday 12 July 2007

went to the dump

Woke up about 5.15am, got up at about 5.30am. Had a shower etc and a bit of breakfast. Went on my comp. I was intending to have a proper breakfast with Ben, but he secretly got up and went to school without making any noise so I did nae know he had got up.

About 9.30am I went to the dump in Burgess Hill with dad and we got rid of old magazines, blankets, tables and my old bike. After that we went into Burgess Hill and dad did some food shopping while I went to Park Cameras and bought my monopod. I had to wait around in the car for quite a while for dad to get back after I'd been to Park Cameras. It was raining very lightly.

When I got home I did some more work work and pano work. Then ate lunch, then did more work work and pano work. Then ate dinner, then did washing up & clearing table and then watched TV. I watched Nature's calendar, and then Saving Planet Earth UK.

After that I did more work work and pano work, then went to bed.

Breakfast: Strawberry jam toast sandwich, cup o' tea.
Lunch: Cheese with Al Fresco style salad sandwich, honey sandwich, cup o' tea, satsuma, grapes, breakaway.
Dinner: Roast Beef, gravy, peas, potatoes, Daucus carota subsp. sativus. Pudding was delee blackberry cheesecake with cream. Coffee.

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