Tuesday 16 September 2008

Didn't rain again!

This morning finished sorting my pics from yesterday, backed them up and went on the pinternet. I took a few more photos before and after lunch, then sorted those and went on the pinternet a bit more.

In the evening I went on the pinternet a bit more, then watched a couple of episodes of Battlestar Trashlactica with Mac then went to bed.

Breakfast: Golden Balls; Cup o' tea.
Lunch: Sliced chicken with mayo, sliced cherry tomatoes and iceberg lettuce sandwich; red grapes; Fairtrade chocolate wafer bar; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Beef Burger with chili relish & iceberg lettuce in a cheese topped bun; vegetable 'soup in a mug' or similarly named fake cupasoup that I actually had in a bowl. For pudding I had mini bakewell tart with custard and Mascarpone cheese. Coffee; Natural Confectionary company jelly bear sweet.

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