After breakfast I switched my comp on this morning with the intent of sorting/editing the moth photos, but I saw my C: partition was nearly full up, so I did some investigating to find where all the space was being used. I deleted quite a lot of temporary/cache files and also found that the Shared folder had quite a lot of stuff in it, music and a few videos from Mac's comp and some scans. So I moved the music across to 'My music' folder on HD2 partition, but when moving I had to check the files were properly named and tagged and that I didn't already have the album in the 'My Music' folder before I copied it across. So doing all that, took all morning and part of the afternoon.
In the afternoon I did a back up, and deleted the 'My Music' backup since so many files had been changed (I re-named /deleted misc files of many of the files/folders already in 'My Music' as well as copying Mac's ones). The Music backup took 5 hours, so while that was going on I went on the pinternet a bit, played around with the 450d macro setup, and tried taking some photos of a wooden donkey for the panachallenge contest 'Craftsmanship'.
Playing with the 450d macro setup, I tried hanging a piece of card off the end of the flash to act as a background and avoid black backgrounds. Also, hopefully it should reflect some light back towards the subject.
I also messed around trying to snoot one of the flash heads to increase the amount of flash hitting the subject and also get the flash coming out a round hole rather than oblong. However, this didn't work and if anything the flash amount was less.
In the evening I went on the pinternet more and watched some Battlestar Trashlactica with Mac.
Breakfast: Tangerine marmalade toast sandwich; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Cheddar cheese with salad sandwich; ½ packet BBQ Beef flavoured crisps; plum; grapes; slice of Iced madeira layer cake; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Chili burger with cheese, chili sauce and salad in a bun. Pudding was Raspberry ripple icecream with banana, hot strawberry jam and homemade banana brownie. Coffee.
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