Saturday, 22 November 2008

Editing photos

I didn't get up early enough today to see the sunrise, but the end of it was nice. The sky was covered with clouds, but they didn't extend as far as the horizon so the sun lit them up from below. After a couple of hours the sun had risen high enough so it was above the clouds and for the rest of the day it was cloudy with the sun occasionally peeking through a gap in the clouds or shining through thinner clouds.

In the morning I checked my email and hotukdeals and got granny breakfast. Then I bought some Chrimbo presents for Rad, Clare asked me to buy him one from her as well as he wanted stuff off the pinternet, so I did. Ben and Matthew nicked Maccy's room so Maccy came in my room and read his Kurosawa book while we listened to Christmas music.

After lunch I got a trowelfull of mud from the garden and put it in Ben's ex-stick insect tank. I put a fresh piece of iceberg lettuce (which is all finished now) and the bit of old iceberg lettuce and the spanish iceberg lettuce caterpillar in the tank as well. The caterpillar is quite a bit bigger now than it was when we first found it, and its pooed all over my shelf where it was living under the old iceberg lettuce leaf.

Then I finished off editing the pics from the walk I did with Rad in North Kilworth on 12th Nov. The pics still need to be geotagged and named though. I sorted/edited a few other pics in my newpics folder as well.

After dinner I watched the rest of the episode of Lost that me, Ben and Maccy were watching yesterday and then we watched another episode. Then after that I sorted/edited a few more pics that in my newpics folder, then backed up some stuff and watched IACGMOOH with Mac.

Breakfast: Asda Honey nut loops; cup o' tea.
Elevenses: Dark chocolate digestive; coffee.
Lunch: Mature cheddar cheese with iceberg lettuce sandwich; packet of Chilli flavour Doritos; ½ baby beetroot sandwich; slice of Jumbo chocolate swiss roll; Fox's triple; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Beef burger in a bun with mature cheddar cheese, tomato ketchup and mustard; Tomato cup-a-soup style soup. Pudding was a Cherry Muller corner. Coffee; Roses; Piece of Sainsburys caramel chocolate.
Supper: Dark chocolate digestive;cup o' tea.

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