Friday 13 March 2009

Not doing much

This morning I backed up my comp and took some flower photos. Then I read about storing hierarchical data, most info suggested storing in mysql using the nested sets method.

After lunch I went in the garden for a bit, I saw 2 flea beetles and heard a bee or sumat. Then I did some work on my photo website, just trying to sort out the different mysql tables I needed.

In the evening I watched an episode of Trashelstar and a bit of a Western film with Mac.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant jam toast sandwich; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Ham with mustard and sweet & crunchy salad sandwich; red grapes; slice of Genoa cake; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Shepherd's pie; carrots; mushrooms; tomato ketchup. Pudding was chocolate cereal cake stuff. Coffee.

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