Sunday 22 March 2009

Watching an animal cruelty film

This morning I went on Animal, then me and Mac went to Church. After church I played on Animal a bit more.

After dinner, me, Mac and Ben watched Tarzan (1932) for a bit. Then did some googling about flash diffusion for macro shooting/the MT-24EX twin lite while Ben and Mac made some japanese bean cakes using Cooking Guide for the DS. I ate one of the cakes that Mac and Ben made, it was like 2 thick pancakes sandwiched together with sugary bean paste.

I modified some diffusers for the MT-24EX, then went in the back garden to test them.

After tea we finished watching the Tarzan film. It was quite funny. Some highlights were:
  • The white people's slaves are walking along a narrow ledge up a tall cliff and the slave driver is just whipping them for no reason.
  • The white people kill loads of hippos.
  • Tarzan's mate is someone in a bad ape costume.
  • After the white people kill Tarzan's ape mate, Tarzan kills some of the slaves who had nothing to do with it.
  • Jane is really annoying and whiney.
  • Tarzan kills a leopard and throws it down from a tree.
  • Tarzan kills lots of other animals.
  • An elephant who is Tarzan's mate picks him up and carrys him along by biting his head - it looks so funny seeing the elephant walk along with tarzan hanging from its mouth.
  • There is a race of midgets.
  • A giant ape in a pit smacks another smaller ape (who is Tarzan's mate) into the ground repeatedly, and then throws it out of the pit, but later on the small ape is okay!?!

After that I checked my email, Deviant art, TWS, Moose News Blog, Andy Rouse's blog, The Luminous Landscape and dpreview. Then I put some of my MT-24EX diffusion test pics together in a comparison file. Unfortunately I didn't have many shots using John K's technique, and I think I also need to try another method with a thicker piece of diffusion material covering the central part of the diffuser. Maybe tomorrow.

Breakfast: Honey nut shreddies & multi-grain hoops; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Chicken curry; mixed veg; rice; Pita bread. Pudding was some bits of flapjack from Waitrose. Coffee.
Tea: Mature cheddar cheese with sweet & crunchy salad sandwich; black grapes; cup o' tea.

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