Tuesday 25 May 2010

Photo Processing

Today I was still sorting and processing photos that I've taken recently.

In the evening I watched an episode of The Office (US) with Mauser, then went out in the garden to see if I could find any live aphids near where I'd taken a photo of a mummified aphid (it's hard to get an id from a mummified aphid, easier from a live aphid). But there weren't many aphids there, and they were all mumified (parasitized).

Later in the evening I did a backup.

The weather was mainly cloudy and windy all day, though the sun did pop out a few times throughout the day.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant Jam Toast Sandwich; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: Peppered Ham with Dijon Mustard and Cherry Tomatoes Sandwich; Satsuma; Slice of Lyons French Sponge Cake; Rocky; Cup o' Tea.
Dinner: Slice of Pepperone Pizza; Chips; Salt; Salad. Pudding was a piece of Tiramisu. Coffee; A few pieces of Galaxy Chocolate.

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