Wednesday 5 May 2010

Walk and Photo website blogging

This morning I was going to go out on a walk with McRad, but then we had to wait for Clare to come back before we could leave, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get back in the house if she didn't have a key with her. While we were waiting I did some more work on writing a post for my photo website blog.

Unfortunately by the time Clare got back home the sky had started to cloud over, and by the time we got to where we were walking from, the sky had completely clouded over. I still took some photos on the walk, but they won't be very good with plain grey skies.

We had lunch when we got back, and then I did more work on the posts for my photo website blog for the rest of the day. In the evening I also watched Lost with Masuer and L. It's getting near the end now, so they killed off loads of main characters!

I also had some trouble with my computer, and I think that possibly there is something wrong with the drive that I've stored all my Korea and Japan photos on.

The weather started off overcast, then the clouds cleared a bit. It came over overcast again, and then was overcast the rest of the day.

Breakfast: Bowl of Maple and Pecan Crunch oat Cereal; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: Breaded Ham with Dijon Mustard and Alfresco style Salad Sandwich; Cherry Tomato; Satsuma; Chocolate Caramel Wafer Biscuit; Cup o' tea; Smarties.
Dinner: Spaghetti; Bolognese sauce; Meatballs; Ground Black Pepper; Grated Parmesan Cheese. Pudding was a slice of Toffee Cheesecake. Coffee.

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