Tuesday 3 August 2010

Processing panos

Today I was still processing panos from our visit to Barnsdale Gardens last week. Unfortunately I wasn't as quick as yesterday, and only managed to get about two done in the morning, then I finished the last pano off in the afternoon.

After that, I spent most of the afternoon and a bit of the evening adding metadata to the panos. Most of the time was spent waiting for the metadata to be written to the files, since the PSB for each pano is around 2GB writing any extra info takes quite a while. And when you update each file multiple times (add hierarchical keyword, add main metadata, add exif, correct orientation from exif import), all that time adds up to quite a bit.

In the evening I also watched an episode of Star Trek TNG with Mauser and Bo. I went in the garden for a bit, dead headed the Buddliea, and looked for any newts in the pond (though didn't see any). And I prepared the Barnsdale Gardens panos for upload to my pano website.

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