Wednesday 24 February 2010


Today I was still just researching and adding metadata to some Korea photos. I managed to get a few more images done than yesterday, but still not many.

In the evening I also watched Lost with Mauser and Bo.

The weather was a mixture of sun and cloud, but it clouded over around sunset. The snow hadn't melted much the last couple of days, but the rest of it (apart from the piles) melted away today.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant Jam Toast Sandwich; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: ½ Breaded Ham Sandwich with Sliced Tomato and Dijon Mustard; ½ Beetroot Sandwich; Packet of Roast Chicken flavour Crisps; 2x Clementines; Slice of Lemon Drizzle Cake; Piece of Flapjack; Cup o' Tea.
Dinner: Chicken Pie; Potatoes; Carrots; Green Beans; Gravy. Pudding was a slice of Chocolate Swiss Roll with tinned Mandarin Segments and Custard. Coffee; 3x pieces of Sainsbury's Mint Creme Chocolate.

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