Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Photo Processing

This morning I was processing photos from Callow Hill, from the 5th day of our Shropshire Holiday, back in July.

In the afternoon I did more photo processing and also went down town. I paid a cheque into the Alliance & Pester, who amazingly didn't pester me about getting a mortgage (they pestered me about getting an ISA instead). I also went looking in Sainsburys, Tesco, and Poundstretcher for a present for Clare's birthday tomorrow, but while they all had plenty of chocolate and bagged sweets (like Haribo), none of them had any York Fruits (Clare gets headaches if she has chocolate).

So when I got home I looked on the pinternet to see if I could buy a box of York Fruits. It would arrive after Clare's birthday, but better late than never, as they say. I found I could buy a box through a few shops, but postage was quite expensive. I looked on ebay, and someone was selling them on there, but didn't have the postage costs listed, so I messaged them to ask how much they were.

In the evening I processed a few more photos, then went on Civ IV.

The weather started off overcast, then it snowed for a little bit. By lunch the clouds had started clearing, and the rest of the day was a micture of sun and clouds. There was a nice sunset, with some large clouds around being lit up yellow/orange underneath by the setting sun.

Breakfast: Orange Marmalade Toast Sandwich; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: Bavarian Smoked Ham with Dijon Mustard Sandwich; Banana; Hot Cross Bun; Cup o' Tea.
Dinner: Slice of Chicken and Ham Pie; Carrots; Potatoes; Peas; Gravy. Pudding was sliced Kiwi Fruit with Strawberry Flavour Whip (fake Angel Delight). Coffee; Weird Chocolste Caramel Sweet.

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