Friday 5 March 2010

Metadataring and photo processing

This morning I was still adding metadata to images.

In the afternoon I finished adding metadata to the set of images I was working on, and started to process them.

Earlier in the week I'd received an email from Glenn Fisher / Shortcut Bulletin with a link to get a free £25 bet with Betfair but not to use the bet yet. Then a day or two later, he sent another email strongly suggesting to join Richie Forbes Lunchtime Profit Alert.

Now, Glenn has mentioned Richie Forbes Lunchtime Profit Alert a few times before. After he first mentioned it, some months ago now, he gave an update a few weeks later to say how it had been going, and that the first week had been a loss, but then after that the loss had been more than recouped. However, since then, Glenn hadn't issued any more updates on how the service had been going.

Since Glenn Fisher / Shortcut Bulletin was still recommending the service now, you'd think the service must be quite good, and been making a profit all that time, right? Well, looking at the comments for Richie Forbe's Lunchtime Profit Alert on More Money Review, there are two comments from people who say they've started using the service recently, and have made money, but three comments from people who've been using it for a while, and say they've lost money on it. Obviously the longterm results give a better picture, than the short term ones, so I decided not to go for it.

In the evening I watched a couple of episodes of The Office (US) with Mauser, and metadatared and processed some Carpet Beetle photos that I took yesterday.

The weather was sunny most of the day, with a few clouds around. There was a decent sunset with a couple of smallish clouds.

Breakfast: Hot Cross Bun; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: Edamer Cheese with Mixed Salad Sandwich; Apple; Eccles Cake; Penguin Mini Roll; Cup o' Tea; 3x Pieces of Sainsbury's Mint Creme Chocolate.
Dinner: Breaded Fish Portion; Peas; Chips; Ground Black Pepper; Salt. Pudding was 2x oven-heated Apple Pies with Custard. Coffee; 2x Pieces of Sainsbury's Caramel Chocolate; Piece of Sainsbury's Mint Creme Chocolate.

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