Tuesday 7 October 2008

Watching TV serieses

I woke up quite late this morning, about 9am so it was 10am by the time I'd finished breakfast. For the rest of the morning I went on the pinternet while I waited for Granny to get up and have breakfast.

After lunch I watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break season 4. Whilst the first episode is still quite good, they throw away all the plot built up over season 3, which is a bit weird and stupid. I also received some replies on websqueeze about my mysqli prepared statements problems, and it seems like my code is probably okay, so I raised a ticket with evohosting to see if they were doing something to stop prepared statements from working.

I went in the garden for a couple of minutes, and although it was raining slightly, there were quite a few flies about (mainly hiding in places where they wouldn't get much rain on them) and I also saw a grasshopper. It might be that they've come out because it's not so cold today. I watched a couple more episodes of Prison break and then went on the pinternet.

After dinner I watched an episode of Tattletstar Galactica with Mac, finished watching Charlie and the chocolate factory - oh it's actually called 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory', then watched another episode of Trashlactica with Mac. Went on the pinternet for a bit, then went to bed.

Breakfast: Blood orange marmalade toast sandwich; cup o' tea.
Lunch: Bishop's extra strong cheddar cheese sandwich; apple; white grapes; caramel rocky; cup o' tea.
Dinner: Beef burger with cheese and chili sauce in a bun. Pudding was cold chocolate blancmange with sliced banana in it; Chocolate Digestive. Coffee; Roses.

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