Friday 9 April 2010

Metadataring and nice day

This morning I went in the garden to try and take some flower photos as it wasn't very windy. But the particular flower I was interested in went into the shade, so I found my photos of it weren't looking too good on the camera's LCD (too dark), and it didn't look very good with flash from the MT-24EX either.

The rest of the morning and first bit of the afternoon I was researching and adding metadata to photos from the 2nd day of our Korea back in October last year.

Me and L went in the back garden for a bit, and L did some burning, but managed to put some stuff in his burning tin that had a wasp on it. While L was attempting to set fire to the stuff in his burning tin without letting the wasp out to sting him, I took some photos of the flower that I'd been trying to photograph in the morning. It now had sunlight on it, but the early afternoon light was too harsh compared to the softer early morning light. So I got my big 5 in 1 reflector panel, and used the semi-transparent middle to put the flower in shadow, preventing the harsh shadows caused by the sunlight.

I also took photos of various other plants and insects. I wanted to try and take some ladybird photos, so I check my flash diffusion. Yesterday when I took photos of ladybirds, they had really bad large harsh highlights on them. Since the diffusers seemed to work okay last year, I think it must be that I forgot to use the flash ratio. So I wanted to take some more ladybird photos, but using the flash ratio, so I could check that the diffusers were working okay.

But while there were lots of ladybirds on the trellis yesterday, there weren't any today. I did find one on a daffodil leaf, so I took a few photos of that, but I can't compare the flash diffusion to yesterday's shots since I was taking front-on shots of this ladybird instead of top-down shots like I was with the ladybirds on the trellis yesterday.

After a while I came back inside, and did more descriptions for photos.

After dinner I watched Star Trek with Mauser and Maccy. We've finished Star Trek TOS Season 1 now, and since Mauser doesn't have any more seasons of TOS, we started watching TNG. We'd already watched the first episode before, so we watched the second episode today. It was totally skill, and Picard does a weird thing where he's talking to Dr Crusher (sounds like a wrestler's name), and then he just does a random Youtube poop style repeating a sound quickly for about half a second.

There's also a bit where he goes into the doctor's part of the ship and does a really small weird little jump. There's also the usual cringeworthy Star Trek stupid weirdness that makes Star Trek so great. The purposeful jokes on TNG aren't as good as the ones on TOS though.

The weather was a mixture of clouds and sun, though mainly sunny until sunset when it started to cloud over more. Not sure if there was a sunset, as I can't see where the sun sets at this time of year, but I didn't see the clouds get lit up at all, so I'm guessing not.

In the evening I did more research for photo descriptions.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant Jam Toast Sandwich; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: 2x Cheese on Toasts; Orange; Slice of Genoa Cake; Mint Club; Cup o' Tea.
Dinner: Breaded Fish Portion; Peas; Mashed Potato. Pudding was a Pink flavour Mousse plus a couple of biscuits. Coffee; a bit more than half an Easter Egg.

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