Monday 19 April 2010

Photo Processing

This morning and part of the afternoon I carried on processing and sorting the photos from the Falcon and Owl sanctuary. The rest of the afternoon and evening I processed some more photos from the 2nd day of our Korea holiday, back in October last year.

I also tried to buy a copy of Capture NX 2, as my trial runs out in about 3 days. But the website I used just had a 404 error when I tried to checkout, and their email address bounces, so I don't know if they received my order or not. I guess I should have known from their reseller rating that they were a scam, since they had 2 comments saying so. But they also had 1 comment where someone said they didn't have any problem with their order, and gave them 5 stars.

Anyway, I'm hoping that they didn't get my order at all, and so won't take any money from my card. Then I can just order from a real place (though at quite a bit more cost). I was hoping that a demo of Photoshop CS5 would be available before my Capture NX 2 trial expired, so I could check how well it handles removing CA from the Tokina 10-17mm/3.5-4.5 fisheye zoom lens compared to Capture NX (which seems to remove the CA perfectly, much better than I could ever do with sliders).

In the evening I also watched an episode of Star Trek TNG with Mauser and L.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant Jam Toast Sandwich; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: Mustard Ham with Dijon Mustard Sandwich made with Bakery Bread; Grapes; Pear; Satsuma; Wagon Wheel; Cup o' Tea; Approx Half an Easter Egg.
Dinner: 1⅓ Donner Kebabs; Chilli Sauce; Turmeric coloured Rice; Stir Fry; Salad. Pudding was 1½ Caramel Wafer Biscuits; Hot Chocolate. Coffee; Bit of After Eight Easter Egg; 2x squares of Galaxy Cookie Crumble Chocolate.

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