Monday 5 April 2010

Star Trekking

This morning the internet was working (though it would sometimes time out requests, if you refreshed, then the page would normally load, compared to the slower than dial-up speeds we get when the internet isn't working normally). So I finished checking my photo website blog posts, then updated my facebook fan page and twitter for my photo website.

A Wordpress plugin I'd written wasn't working properly on the photo website, so I checked, and it had the local domain name of one of my websites in it, instead of the real domain name. So I changed that.

I then checked my two images that hadn't had the geo-data recorded in them. I couldn't remember if I'd updated them with the info or not. I found I had, but one of their records on the photo website hadn't been updated, so I updated that.

I then started updating some panoramas of Gyeongbokgung palace by copying across the exif to them, and adding other metadata and descriptions. Whenever I made an update to the metadata of a psb file, it would take quite a while to save, so I also read Moose Peterson and John Kimblers' blogs' while I was waiting. I carried on doing this in the afternoon, and also vacuumed my bedroom.

In the evening I watched an episode of Star Trek TOS with Mauser and L, then after that L put on one of the extras on the DVD, which was a 1½ hour documentary about Star Trek and a Christie's auction of various Star Trek memorabilia. The memorabilia sold for stupid amounts, the most expensive one (I think it was an enterprise model) went for half a million dollars! Quite a few other lots went for over $100,000. I think it goes to show that Star Trek fans are
  1. Maniacs
  2. Rich / In well paid jobs
. It was also funny to see the maniacal fans who go to conventions.

The weather today was mostly overcast, with the sun managing to break through a few times.

Breakfast: Blackcurrant Jam Toast Sandwich; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: 2x Cheese on Toasts; Orange; Slice of Sultana Flapjack; Chocolate Caramel Wafer Bar; Cup o' Tea; Small Cadbury's Flake.
Dinner: Slice of Pepperoni Pizza; Peas; Chips; Salt. Pudding was a piece of Chocolate Sponge with Chocolate Buttercream. Coffee; 2x Small Cadbury's Flakes; some Easter Egg.

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