Sunday 11 April 2010


This morning I started cutting out pogs in Photoshop, then went to Church.

After Church I carried on cutting out pogs in Photoshop until lunch time. After lunch I watched an episode of Star Trek TNG with Mauser and L, then finished cutting out Pogs in Photoshop. I tried to upload them to my Pog website, but the internet was broken.

So instead I processed a few photos and went in the garden for a bit and moved some flowers from under bushes where you couldn't see them very well. (Actually I mainly wanted to move them because bees like them, and there's no way I could take photos of the flowers or visiting bees when they're under a bush).

Later in the afternoon the internet was working, so I updated my Pog Website.

In the evening I watched Dr. Strangelove with Mauser and L. It was a bit boring, but not too bad. I gave it 5/10. After that I processed a few more photos, then went to bed.

The weather was a mixture of clouds and sun, though mainly sunny. There were a few wispy clouds around at sunset, and they got lit up quite nicely. Nothing spectacular though. It was very windy, and the wind made it quite cold.

Breakfast: Bowl of Asda Golden Balls Cereal; Cup o' Tea.
Dinner: 2x Chicken & Stir fried Vegetables Fajitas; Rice. Pudding was some Mackie's Ice Cream. Coffee; Bit of L's Easter Egg.
Afternoon snack: 2x Scones (made with Cinnamon Doughnut mix) with Strawberry Jam and I cannae believe it's nae butter Jock.
Tea: Packet of Prawn Cocktail Flavour Crisps; Banana; Slice of Genoa Cake; Mint Club; Cup o' Tea.

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