Friday 2 April 2010

Photo Website Blogging

This morning I checked my email, which took quite a long time, since I hadn't checked my email since yesterday morning.

When I'd got through my email I carried on writing a post for my photo website blog about our first full day in Korea.

After lunch I wrote yesterday's blog post, then I did a bit more of my photo website blog.

I found that one image was missing from my list of Korea images on my website in date order, and the missing image was the one that I had re-uploaded after adding EXIF to it. Investigating why it wasn't included in my list of images, I found that it had been allocated to a new category 'Korea', instead of the existing category 'Korea'.

I spent quite a while trying to work out how this was happening, as the code checks if a category already exists before adding a new one, so you shouldn't be able to get two categories with the same name at the same level. Eventually I found out that that the new category had been added as 'Korea ' (with a trailing space). When I had changed my function that formats the XMP category string for adding the categories to the database, I had forgotten to trim the category name.

Luckily, I don't think I'd done any uploads since changing the code before, so I hadn't got any duplicate categories on my live website, just on my local test website.

In the evening I watched an episode of Star Trek with Mauser and L, then I wrote some more of the blog post for my photo website.

Breakfast: Hot Cross Bun; Cup o' Tea.
Lunch: Breaded Ham with Salad Sandwich; Banana; Hot Cross Bun; Home-made Chocolate Pretzel; Cup o' Tea.
Dinner: Deep fried Battered Flavoured Chicken Breast Pieces; Baked Beans; Baked Potato; Deep fried Battered piece of Cheese. Pudding was a small Fromage Frais with a Tinned Apricot Half. Coffee; ½ Easter Egg.

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