Wednesday 9 May 2007

Brendon is skilk 103.2

It wasn't very windy this morning and the sky wasn't too grey so I was going to cycle to work, but when I went to get my bike out of the garage it was actual-cheese raining (tears from eyes) (Bitty McLean must be an ulti eyewater head!). So I walked to work instead (where walked means drove).

Got to work about 8.10am and did the washing up. There was a board meeting yesterday so there was total tons of washing up to do. Did work, mainly answering phones although also had a meeting with Suzanne and Lyra about the Newsletter that was pretty point-a-piece-of-cheese. Since I was just answering phones all day I had to stay late to do some work on the Newsletter advertising. Left work just after 7pm.

Got home about 7.40pm. There was a note from Citi Link that they had tried to deliver a parcel for me, which I guess must have been my motherboard. Luck-slush (Oh my) Daddio said he'd stay in Tom Morrow when they will try and re-deliver it.

Ate Jin-the-Pinner while going on Pigsback & Deviant Art. Made my sandwiches for Tom Morrow. Did washing up. Cleared the table. Worked on my website.

I had been manually assigning the xIDs on examples provided in the TreeView Demo pack. I decided to check whether I could make it work like it should with the auto assigned xIDs, but I couldn't. Since my website works okay with the auto assigned xIDs I decided to and assign manual xIDs on my website TreeMenu. Luckily I kept a backup of the relevant file (Content.php) before moving it to a database generated Menu and map markers. I edited this file and it worked! JIMMY HILL WHEN HE WAS A LAD!!

I found that if you click a link on the map that opens a page in one Menu folder, then a different link that opens a page in a different Menu folder. If my site grows to have lots of folders this could be quite annoying. I looked at the TreeMenu funcs demo and this had a function to close all folders so I changed the google maps onclicks to
onClick="javascript:collapseTree(1); javascript:loadSynchPage(xID)"
so it now closes all folders then opens the folder with the page you clicked on and highlights the page you clicked on.

After this I tried putting the folders at the top of the treemenu list of folders and docs, this worked okay. Then I tried giving the folders different (var? I guess) names, the Town names actual-cheese and this worked okay. This makes it easier for creating the Menu items from a database since I only have to make one database call rather than one call per town (folder).

Then I edited the database merging version of Content.php to make the appropriate changes. First it didn't work because I had somehow typed an extra ]" in the code but when I noticed it and got rid of that it all works fine, which is pretty amazing. Now I've got this all working I'm pretty impressed with TreeView's flexibility. Hopefully it will let me change the graphics in the future, although I'm content with the boring graphics for the (Lil') mo'.

It's 22.40, I'd normally be sleep-cheese by now but I think the coffee I drank while I was doing overtime must be keeping me awake. I guess that's gokos as long as I don't be sleepier than normal Tom Morrow.

Breakfast: Orangle marmalade toast sandwich, banana, cup o' tea
Lunch: Ham with sweet and crunchy salad sandwich, Cheddar cheese with sweet and crunchy salad sandwich, apple, 2 x satsumas
Dinner: Spag bol with added carrot. Pudding was a bit of bakewell tart but moohar had heated it up in the oven and some of the icing had melted and is impossi-cheese to get off the plate. Coffee.

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