Thursday 10 May 2007

Skill stuff

It was sunny this morning (although a bit cloudy) so I cycled to work. Alan (who I thought was called Christopher) came in to work on some Crystal Reports for us so I spent a bit of time with him telling him what we wanted, he managed to get the main report that lists no. of new members, lapsing members and enquires per month done, so that was gokos. I spent most of the rest of the day answering the phones.

Cycled home at 5pm and got totally soaked going over the downs. Got home about 6pm, and my replacement motherboard had arrived. Made my sandwiches for Tom Morrow. Ate Dinner. For the rest of this evening I will:
  • Do washing up
  • Take the power supply out of this PC that I am writing this on and start putting together me new PC.
  • If I remember watch a TV program about the British Museum and also It's not easy being green.

Skill stuff I saw today:
  • A peahen outside church
  • A bloke called Lambert
  • A beige animal slightly smaller than a rabbit with a mostly black tail (pobasquish a weasel)
  • Some black rabbits in a field

Breakfast: Cookie Crisp, banana, cup o' tea
Lunch: Ham with Iceberg lettuce sandwich, Cheddar cheese with sweet and crunchy salad sandwich, 2 x satsumas, apple
Dinner: Super salty Gammon, Potato, mixed veg, gravy. Pudding was shocolate chicken sponge cake with shocolate chicken custard. Cough fee.

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