Sunday 6 May 2007


Got up at 6.30am, ate breakfast etc. Watched the end of Bits and Bobs, where some little kids played crazy golf at an indoor crazy golf place. Watched 'Its our planet!' which was about bugs and then animals with tails. Watched big cook little cook and Big cook Ben had to try and do his laces up as fast as possible and he had 3 pairs of trainers, one of which was Hi-tech!!!! Went on my comp for a bit then Ben shouted that Come Outside was on so I went to watch that but it was a repeat so we watched Peppa Pig instead and she splatted her dad's pumpkin. It would have been skilk 103.2 if her dad had got dead annoyed and belly flopped on her or just picked her up and threw her away, but he didn't. Jim lad.

Went on my comp, looking at a possible menu for my website. Went to Church. Didn't have to do the chairs afterwards since there's an evening service today. Had to get Granny after church. Went on my comp de la pomp again. Ate Dinner, did washing up & cleared the table. Went on my comp again. Did quite a bit of work editing a menu, but it's not any good as it seems the options are listed in order of number of levels, so items with no sub menus go at the top and once you produce a sub menu you can only go back up to the menu before that, not back to the root. I found another menu that does let you do that, but it doesn't save state when you refresh the page. I think now I have found a good solution, called TreeView. Only problem is that the menu items aren't that easy to edit. Messed around with this for a bit then ate tea.

Finished integrating the Treeview menu system into my website. After this I amended the Google maps links and the treeview menu to pull the same links from a php array. Then I read part of a PHP / SQL tutorial and it seems like this will be the easiest way for me to add panos to my website, meaning I will have wasted time on first building the seperate links and then the PHP array. Never mind, the SQL route might be too complicated for me anyway. I also found that I am going to need to introduce some javascript calls to the treemenu from the google maps links.

Breakfast: Orange Marmalade toast sandwich, Strawberry Jam toast sandwich, cup o' tea.
Morning snack: Tesco Value Shortbread finger, custard cream, coffee.
Dinner: Chicken & Ham Pie, Peas, Carrots, Potato, Gravy. Pudding was Mandarin & Orange Jelly Flan with Ice Cream. Coffee.
Tea: 4 x triangle shaped ¼ Ham sandwiches, 2 x things what were like sausage rolls but with hot cream stuff inside them instead of meat, packet of prawn cocktail crisps, 2 x cherry tomatoes, mandarin, pear, totally delee butterfly cake, twix finger, cup o' tea.

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